On January 1, 2023, the Department of Energy's (DOE) new minimum efficiency standards for split system air conditioners (ACs) and split system heat pumps (HPs) will go into effect. These new regulations are part of the DOE's ongoing initiative to reduce overall energy consumption in the United States. What will these new changes mean for the industry? At a high level they will bring:
- 7-8% Increase from current minimum SEER ratings
- New Ratings Nomenclature - SEER2, EER2, HSPF2
- New Equipment Test Procedures
This page can be a valuable resource to help you understand all the details behind these regulatory changes. They will present new complexities, but Carrier is prepared, and we are here to support you through this transition. Please explore the information and links to learn more.

The new regulatory changes will go into effect on JANUARY 1, 2023. It is critical to note that there are sell-through deadlines that vary by product line and region.
Ratings Key
M = Ratings based on the DOE's Appendix M
M1 = Ratings based on the DOE's Appendix M1
New Testing Procedures
A new normal for 2023 in the form of SEER2, EERs and HSPF2
In addition to increasing the minimum efficiency in 2023, HVAC manufacturers will also be required to comply with a new M1 testing procedure for developing efficiency ratings. Compared to today's M test procedure, the external static pressure used when testing will be increased by up to 5X to better reflect field conditions (see graphic below).
Since the new M1 testing requirements are more stringent and reduce the resulting efficiency rating, in 2023, there will be new metrics and nomenclature - SEER2, EER2 and HSPF2. Specifically, you will note the following:
- The new SEER2 ratings will be lower and the minimum efficiencies will be reduced to account for the more difficult test procedures, compared to the SEER ratings on the same system - e.g. the North region's 14.0 SEER minimum efficiency under the current test procedure will become a 13.4 SEER2 under the new test procedure.
- All tiers of products will need to be rerated, optimized, and relaunched in accordance with the new M1 test procedure - resulting in a much larger scale project for manufacturers compared to prior minimum efficiency changes.
- The new test procedure will also drive changes to the airflow set point on indoor blowers (fan coils and furnaces).
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