Don’t Let Your Home Sweat It Out: A Michigan Guide to Humidity Control

Don't Let Your Home Sweat It Out: A Michigan Guide to Humidity Control. Raindrop on window with Handle Blur tree background Rainy Season.

Here at Michigan, we enjoy beautiful scenery, a strong sense of community, and delicious barbecues.

What don’t we enjoy? The humidity.

If you’ve lived here for any length of time, you’re well aware of the battle we wage against moisture in the air, especially during those brutal months from July to September. We call this time of the year “the sweating season.”

Have you ever walked into an attic and seen an air handler dripping like a leaky faucet? That’s high humidity for you, and it’s more than just an unpleasant summer annoyance.

It can impact your comfort, your wallet, and even the health of your home.

Our nearby licensed heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) technicians can help zap the humidity inside your Lansing home. Whether installing a whole-home dehumidifier or addressing the airflow inside your home, we’ll offer practical solutions that fit your budget and needs.

The Sweating Season in Michigan and How It Wreaks Havoc

High humidity isn’t just about feeling like you’re constantly wearing a damp towel. It has a ripple effect throughout your home. Here’s how:

  • HVAC Havoc: Remember that dripping air handler in the attic? That’s condensation forming as cool air from the unit clashes with the hot, humid attic air. This overworks your system, leading to higher energy bills, increased wear and tear, and potential breakdowns.
  • Moldy Menace: Excess moisture creates a breeding ground for mold and mildew growth. These can trigger respiratory problems, irritate allergies, and even damage your home’s structure.
  • Material Matters: Excessive moisture can cause wood floors to warp, furniture to weaken, and paint to peel.

Understanding the Root Cause of Home Humidity Problems

Many homeowners mistakenly believe a whole-home dehumidifier is the ultimate solution to humidity problems.

While they can be helpful in certain situations, a one-size-fits-all approach often falls short. Here’s why:

  • Diagnosis is Key: Adding a dehumidifier might treat the symptom, not the cause. The key is to identify the source of the moisture problem. North Winds Heating & Cooling uses tools like infrared thermal imaging to pinpoint leaks, insulation deficiencies, or ventilation issues.
  • Building Science Matters: Your home is a complex system. Understanding how it breathes is crucial for effective humidity control. We follow the guidelines set by the Building Science Corporation (BSC) and other reputable sources to ensure a holistic approach that addresses the root cause, not just the symptoms.
  • Ductwork Detectives: Leaky or poorly designed ductwork allows cool air to escape before reaching your living space. We can assess your ductwork and recommend improvements.

Winning the War on Humidity: Long-Term Solutions

Here at North Winds Heating & Cooling, we believe in long-term solutions that create a comfortable, healthy home environment. Here’s what we recommend:

  • Seal the Deal: Infiltration—or leaks—allow humid outdoor air into your home. Caulking gaps around windows, doors, and other openings, and sealing your attic access hatch are all key to keeping the moisture out.
  • Upgrade Your Insulation: A well-insulated attic creates a barrier between the hot attic and the cooler-conditioned air below. Upgrading from R-8 to R-12 insulation can make a big difference, but remember, it’s an investment.
  • Variable Speed Solutions: Single-stage air conditioners struggle during the “sweating season.” Upgrading to a variable-speed system can double your dehumidification capacity.

Beyond the Basics: Taking Control of Your Comfort

We’ve covered some essential ways to combat humidity, but there’s more to a comfortable home! Here are some additional tips:

  • Bathroom Blues: Bathrooms are notorious moisture factories. Use exhaust fans religiously and ensure they vent outside, not just into the attic. Consider shorter showers and keeping the bathroom door closed when not in use.
  • Kitchen Contenders: Cooking creates steam, another enemy of humidity control. Vent your stovetop and oven fans whenever possible, and consider a microwave with a vent fan. Cook outdoors during the warmer months whenever possible.
  • Laundry Location: If your laundry room vents into the house, that moisture adds to your woes. Venting the dryer outside is ideal.
  • Basement Blues: Basements can be damp and prone to mold growth. Invest in a dehumidifier specifically designed for basements and crawl spaces, and ensure proper ventilation to prevent moisture buildup.
  • Embrace Houseplants (Strategically): While plants add beauty, some species love humidity and can exacerbate the problem. Choose low-moisture plants like succulents or snake plants.

Proactive Maintenance to Humidity Mitigation

Just like your car, your HVAC system needs regular checkups to maintain peak performance and efficiency. Here’s why:

  • Dirty Coils: A clogged evaporator coil reduces airflow and dehumidification capacity. Regular cleaning by a qualified technician keeps your system running efficiently.
  • Refrigerant Recharge: Over time, your system might lose refrigerant, impacting cooling and dehumidification. A technician can check and recharge the refrigerant if necessary.
  • Air Filter Finesse: A dirty air filter restricts airflow and reduces efficiency. Replace your air filter regularly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Call Your Michigan Humidity Control Experts Today

Schedule a consultation with North Winds Heating & Cooling to learn how we can reduce the humidity and improve the comfort inside your Lansing, Michigan, home. Call us today at 517-225-3430 or request service online to create a healthy home for your family!

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